Sending an email to Richard Burt (and receiving a reply) does not create an attorney-client relationship.
A prospective client should not send confidential information by email in seeking to hire Mr. Burt or in seeking a telephone consultation about hiring him.
No attorney-client relationship will be formed until Mr. Burt has spoken to prospective client, he has determined that there is no conflict with an existing client, and the prospective client has signed an engagement letter prepared by Mr. Burt that sets forth the terms of the representation and, where requested, the prospective client has made a fee deposit.
After an attorney-client relationship has been formed, email (and voice mail) may of course be freely used for attorney-client communications.
NOTE: Mr. Burt does not handle litigation of any kind. If you wish to sue someone, are being sued, or need to make a court filing of any kind, Mr. Burt cannot help you. You should not contact him for those services. If your matter involves (or may involve) suing or being sued or making a court filing, you should check the X in the upper-righthand corner of this pop-up and find another lawyer.