- “Good Standing” Certificates
- A disclaimer can be worth its weight in lawyers
- A Risk of Making Threats in Disputes
- Acquirer Can Enforce Arbitration Agreement with Acquired Company Employees
- Administrative Dissolution of Corporations and LLCs Adopted in California
- Administrative Dissolutions
- Alter Ego Claims of Creditors Do Not Belong to Bankruptcy Trustee
- Architects Granted Reprieve on LLP’s
- Assignee of Suspended Corporation Cannot Sue on Assigned Claim
- Bad Corporate Practice Leads to Bad Result
- Bank CD’s not covered by Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998
- Bar Talk on the New LLC Act
- BOE Tax Clearances
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty by Corporate Insiders Requires Remedy, Even if Damages Unclear
- Breach of warranty in the sale of goods and the statute of limitations
- Bulk Sales Law: A Possible Trap for the Unwary Buyer of a Business
- Business Law Attorney Richard Burt Helps Draft New Corporate Law
- Buy-Sell Agreements in the Articles of Incorporation
- Buyer Can Access Pre-Acquisition Attorney-Client Communications
- Bylaw Indemnification and the Statute of Frauds
- California Corporations Code Not Applied to Avoid Dissolution of Foreign Entities
- California has a new LLC Act
- California Now Licensing LLC’s as Contractors
- California rejects “zone of insolvency” theory of director liability
- California Secretary of State to Enhance Online Filing Portal
- California Supreme Court Overrules Prendergrass
- Careful Drafting Pays off in Contracts
- Changes to California’s LLC Act — Get Ready or Get Skewered
- Civil Code Sections relating to General Releases Modified
- Corporate Compliance Center Notice – Good Idea or Rip-Off?
- Corporate Spin-Off Does Not Transfer Insurance Coverage
- Corporations and LLC’s May Elect to Receive Notices From the Secretary of State via E-Mail
- Court Holds Business Judgment Rule Does Not Protect Officer’s Decisions
- Court Permits Assets of Business Entity to Be Used to Satisfy Creditors of Related Entity
- Dealing With a Financially Weak Corporation
- Delaware Court Upholds Non-Compete against California Employee
- Demise of the Notion That Alter Ego Claims Belong to the Bankruptcy Estate
- Don’t go to MyFTB.com. It’s not the official site.
- EDD Tax Clearance Certificates
- Ex-CFO Allowed to Sue for Defamatory Innuendo in Press Release
- Excluding Assets From a Personal Guaranty
- Filed UCC Termination Statement Binding on Lender Even If Mistaken
- Filing Requirements and Suspension of Corporate or LLC Powers
- Foreign LLC Can Enforce Sister-State Judgment without Qualifying to Do Business
- Forming an Out-of-State Entity To Do Business in California
- Fraud Alert — Beware of “Barrister Richard Burt” (it’s not me)
- FTB Has Started to Dissolve Administratively Suspended Corporations
- FTB Tax Clearance Certificates
- Good Standing Certificates in California
- Guidance on Best Practices in M&A Transactions
- Here’s One Way Not to Pay Taxes – Legally!
- Home State Law Applied to Dissolved Corporation
- I Asked ChatGPT a Legal Question–Here’s What It Said
- I have no connection with TrademarkFormation.com
- Impending Changes to the required Statement of Information
- Inconsistent Use of Entity Name Proves Costly
- Individualized Promissory Note Held Not To Be a Security
- Inspection Rights of Directors and Shareholders
- Is the CA Certificate Status company a scam?
- Is Your Out of State LLC Doing Business in California? Here’s What to Know
- Labor Code section 2802 Does Not Apply to Employer’s Unsuccessful Suit Against Employee
- Legislature Expands Shareholder Inspection Rights
- Licensed Clinical Counselors Allowed to Form Professional Corporations
- LLC Annual Fee Clarified by Franchise Tax Board
- LLC Bound by Contract Even Though Contract Was Outside Its Purpose and Signatory Was Technically Not a Manager
- LLC Taxes Due April 15 Even with Extension to File
- Minority Shareholder Can Not Bring Claims Against the Corporation’s Counsel
- Misleading Certificate of Status Solicitations
- New LLC Statement of Information Form
- No “Selective Waiver” of Attorney-Client Privilege
- Non-Compete Clauses for Employees Become Radioactive in California
- Officer Liable for Restitution of Corporation’s Gains in Violation of FTC Act
- Out-of-State Business Entity Doing Business in California
- Out-of-State LLC Owning Property in California
- Out-of-State Partnership Required to File in California because of Pass-Through Income
- Ownership of Passive LLC Interest in Manager-Managed LLC Not “Doing Business” in California
- Perfected Security Interest Yields to Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- Perils of Dissolution, or Hey, FTB, Where’s My Dough?
- Personal Liability of Officers for Corporate Obligations
- Presentation Given to the Santa Cruz County Bar Association on the New LLC Act
- Real Estate Withholding Credit for Pass-Through Entities
- Refund of Late-Filing Penalty for Single-Member LLCs
- Removal of Officer of Delaware Corporation May Be Partly Governed by California Law
- Richard Burt Law: Handling M&A Transactions
- Richard Burt Selected as a 2019 Top-Rated Lawyer
- Shareholder Loses Standing to Maintain Derivative Action After Merger
- Springing Covenant Not to Compete Not Enforceable
- Stock without Certificates
- Superfluous Text in a Contract Opens Door to Litigation
- Supreme Court Decides California Law Does Not Apply to Dissolved Out-of-State Corporation That Did Business in California
- Third-Party Liability for Securities Fraud
- Timely Dissolution Can Protect Shareholders
- Webinar Presentation on Drafting Buy-Sell Agreements
- What is a Professional Corporation?
- Whom Does an Attorney Represent When a Number of Parties Are Involved?
- Why Bother with Corporate Minutes?
- Zalkind v. Ceradyne, Inc.
- Zero Filing Fee for Entity Formations (for now)!