Richard Burt Professional Law Corporation
Richard Burt Professional Law Corporation55 S Market St #1500
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: (408) 286-7333 Categories
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LLC Bound by Contract Even Though Contract Was Outside Its Purpose and Signatory Was Technically Not a Manager
The following is the text of an e-bulletin that I authored on apparent authority and that was published by the Corporations Committee of the Business Law Section of the State Bar of California. In Western Surety Co. v. La Cumbre … Continue reading
Posted in Business Disputes, Commercial Law, Contract Drafting, Corporate Law, Entity Law, Limited Liability Comanies (LLC's), Limited Liability Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Uncategorized
Tagged apparent authority, authority of manager, authority of officers, CRULLCA, misdesignation of manager of LLC, misdesignation of office of officer, Revised limited liability company act, RULLCA, ultra vires
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Architects Granted Reprieve on LLP’s
Persons licensed to engage in the practice architecture, public accountancy, engineering, land surveying, or law may form a limited liability partnership to engage in those professions. A limited liability partnership is a general partnership that limits the liablity of the … Continue reading
Posted in Entity Law, Limited Liability Partnerships
Tagged Architects, LLP, LLP's, Personal Liability, Professional practice
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